Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New food on the menu!

Josh fed Hunter his first bottle yesterday!  He loved it.  It was so cute to see him gazing into Josh's eyes as he chugged down his milk.  I was worried at first that he would not take a bottle since he has been breastfeeding for the past 4 weeks, but there were no problems.  

As some of you know, I have come very close to fainting about 6 times in the past week and ended up in the ER last wednesday night.  The doctors came to no conclution as to what may be causing this.  So, Josh and I took it upon ourselves to wean Hunter off of the breast and start feeding him formula.  I think my body just does not have enough energy to produce the calories that Hunter is needing.  This was a very hard decision for us to make because breast feeding was very important to us.   However, there is no sense in me breastfeeding Hunter if I am going to be dizzy all the time and blacking out.

It has now been over 24 hours since I have stopped breastfeeding and I am feeling a bit better already.  

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The little man's first day of snow...

So, last night we started getting the first snows of the year here...It snowed from 8pm to late morning and we had a solid 4 inches of fresh powder on the ground. 

It was Hunter's first snow experience and as with the majority of his experiences this far, he barely noticed. 

But at least it was fun for us to imagine all of the fun he can have as soon as he is old enough to really get out and enjoy this sort of thing. Thinking about how exciting it will be to be able to make a snowball, to catch snowflakes in his mouth, to make snow angels, to go sledding and eventually to be tearing it up on the mountain and making his Dad look like a slouch.

He did well with the cold today...with some serious bundling up from his parents. If he were able to walk and wear a little snowsuit we would've had him dressed like the kid from A Christmas Story...but we'll have to save that for some other year.

A new addition

On the 20th of November, 2008 our wonderful son Hunter Joshua came into our lives.  He was a perfect 7 pounds, 2.2 ounces and a whopping 19.1 inches long.  Ever since the moment we laid eyes on him, our lives have become dramatically better.  Hunter is everything we ever dreamed of and more.  He is the most wonderful little bundle of joy.  

This blog is dedicated to our life as a new family.  We encourage you to follow along our journey as first time parents.